What if I told you there was a real way (not some ridiculous scheme) to make good money by making the music you love?
No playlists, no social media posts, no 3-hour bar gigs in the summer heat. Just make music, submit, get placements, make money. All from the comfort of your home.
Course Breakdown
We'll cover everything you need to learn to be ready to take your sync career by storm!
Module 1
Personal Assessment & Goal SettingIn this critical foundational module we'll attack your limiting beliefs head on, preparing your mental space for what will be a life-changing experience. We'll get really clear on your "why" and have you set some tangible, trackable goals for our time together..
Module 2
Principles of Syncable SongsExactly how it sounds, in this module we'll dig into exactly what makes a song syncable, spending ample time focusing in on all the crucial elements of a song: lyrics, melody, arrangement.
Module 3
Preparing the Administrative AspectsSync is more than music. It's also heavily loaded with complex legal and industry-specific implications that can make or break your career. We'll talk about publishing, master rights, split sheets, PRO's and more. You'll know exactly how to get (and keep) your ducks in a row.
Module 4
Partnering with CollaboratorsNo person is an island, and that doesn't change in the sync world. Knowing how to BE a good collaborator as well as FIND good collaborators is a skillset in itself. We'll learn exactly how to do both, as well as master the details behind split and one-stop agreements.
Module 5
Producing Syncable MusicHere's where we get to the really fun stuff!! Making syncable music!! Yay! We will dive deep into production dos and don'ts, best practices, demo-making how-to's, and more. This module will be the one that creates space for you to make your 3 sync songs and get feedback on them.
Module 6
Pitching Your MusicWhat good is sync-ready music if you don't know how to pitch it so you can start making money? We'll talk about how to research and connect with the right sync agencies, and how to organize and send your music for best results.
How You'll be Supported
As long as you're with me, you're not alone in this journey!
Weekly 1:1 Coaching Call
Email Access to Me for Q&A